We help you evaluate your trademark registration probabilities before you invest your time and money on it.
There is a strong possibility that a similar or identical trademark has already been registered before you thought of it. This entitles the trademark owner to object the registration of your trademark.
Doing a comprehensive trademark search study before filing an application to register a trademark not only saves you time and effort but your money as well. All USPTO fees are non-refundable thus it is highly recommended that you get your intended trademark pre-checked. We provide a comprehensive search so that you can rest assure your trademark is one of its kind.
Get A QuoteUsing an automated process and in mere 3 simple steps, we help you identify your trademark needs and file your application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
If the trademark search report shows that the mark you wish to use is already in use or substantially similar to the one in use, you may have to consider another one. If you choose to ignore such results, you may face expensive legal consequences. You may be held liable for attorney's fees as well as monetary damages if you go ahead and publish a product with a trademark already in use.
The more famous a trademark is, the higher the chances the trademark holder will care about it being used. A properly done trademark search reduces these risks for a company.
Get A QuoteBasic Combo Package
Suitable for potential super-startups and brand revamps for companies.
Start Up Combo Package
Suitable for potential super-startups and brand revamps for companies.
Professional Combo Package
Suitable for potential super-startups and brand revamps for companies.
Elite Combo Package
Suitable for potential super-startups and brand revamps for companies.
Business Combo Package
Suitable for potential super-startups and brand revamps for companies.
Gold Combo Package
Suitable for potential super-startups and brand revamps for companies.